Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

You have had an accident. You’re injured. Now, you’re facing the decision about whether to hire an attorney. Hiring an attorney is an important decision…whom to hire is equally so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need an attorney?

The answer is that you do not need an attorney. Many people are capable of resolving their own accident cases, and some are capable of filing a lawsuit and winning without hiring an attorney. However, the cost of going it alone is often one that cannot be measured in dollars and cents and is, instead, measured in tears and higher blood pressure readings.

How does an attorney benefit me?

The answer boils down to priorities. Your healing and your peace of mind should always be the priority. Having an attorney to fight for you restores your focus to yourself and not to the details of an insurance claim which can easily overwhelm you.

Instead of spending countless hours on the telephone with an insurance adjuster and jumping through their hoops, you can focus on what really matters – YOUR HEALTH and YOUR LIFE. When you are not the one calling the adjuster, faxing medical bills to the adjuster, justifying your choice of provider to the adjuster, and/or arguing with the adjuster about the value of your claim, you are healing instead of adding fuel to the fire of physical pain and emotional upheaval.

Why should I hire you as my attorney?

I answer this question by pointing out that I have always done things differently when it comes to taking care of people. It is in my nature to go above and beyond what is expected of me if that means the best outcome for the person whom I am trying to help. In an attorney/client relationship, communication is key. Throughout my career, I have set myself apart from “the pack” by being personally available to my clients. I am available by telephone and in person. And, I do not wait for you to call me before communicating updates in your case. Instead, I initiate contact with you. If you leave a message, your call will be returned. If you send an email, your email will be answered. It is a very simple formula and it has served me well in my career.

Ready To Discuss Your Case?

We are looking forward to learning about you and your needs.
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